The difference usually arises in connection with how we spread ( allocate, in technical parlance) indirect costs over our services.įor instance, I spent a couple hundred Brazilian reais for a few more dictionaries the other day. Meaning that the "actual cost" computed according to rules accepted in Lower Slobovia might be absolutely unacceptable under the rules in effect in East Confusonia and vice-versa. In addition, systems that are accepted in some countries are rejected in others. Rejected methods are not necessarily any worse than the others they may have been rejected because they result in a lower tax assessment, for instance. Tax authorities will accept some of them and reject others.
This just price would be based on our costs plus a just profit margin.Īnybody who is knowledgeable about cost accounting will tell you there are several acceptable ways to compute costs, and they yield different results. The general confusion in discussions about pricing translations is compounded by the assumption that there is a just price for our services.

In fact, I wouldn't do a plumber's work for twice as much as I'm making. Why should they? Why should you be paid more than a plumber? Because you don't get your hands into you know what? C'mon, don't be such a bourgeois elitist. Nobody will pay you more because you can prove that you are paid less than someone else. This type of discussion about secretaries, sanitation workers and plumbers (or college tuition for our children) leads nowhere, and I refuse to engage in it.
My library is full of still-unread books, I miss a lot of concerts, and there is this vacation in Tahiti and all that. Even if could be proved, with objective, undisputable figures, that translators make ten times as much money as a secretary and work a lot less, it wouldn't make the slightest difference: I would still like to earn more and work less. I'm not interested in how much a secretary or a sanitation worker earns or works. Nice Guy (and considering myself superior to a secretary is not being nice at all).