FILEALIGN:512 /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /RELEASE /VERSION:4.0 - Command switches \Link.exe - this is the actual name of the link program to be used ,$B - This variable corresponds to the BIN folder specified in the $_ variables in assembler.ini Adding a T to this parameter ( ,OT) will cause the command line to be output to the RadASM output window. The other option "C" will direct output to the Console. ,O - This specifies that all messages will be directed to RadASM's Output window. RadASM will delete this file before executing the command and will generate an error if it is not present once the command has finished. Let's break down the masm.ini entry, the commands in Project Options are identical.ģ= - This specifies that this command line is the link commandĥ - In the project ini (rap) file there is a section called MakeFiles, this number corresponds to the file number for the exe file. Link command line from MASM Win32 App release:ģ=5,O,$B\LINK.EXE /FILEALIGN:512 /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /RELEASE /VERSION:4.0 /LIBPATH:"$L",3,4

#Encased console commands how to#
The link command will be used to demonstrate how to modify these entries. These command lines are built by RadASM from the variables that you enter in Project Options or those that are specified as default for the project type you chose when you created the project. The Project Options dialog displays a list of commands that correspond to the Make Menu items. Editing command line options Editing command line options